Tuesday, January 14th , 2014
5:30 PM
- Opening Business (5 minutes)
a. Approval of Agenda
c. Recognition of Guests
d. Norm Setting - Mission and Core Values
e. Celebrating Generals
- Policy and Bylaw Review (15 minutes)
a. Review Amendments of Drafted Policies and Determine Next Steps
i. Protocol for Policy Review
- Principal Recommendation Context
- Parent Questions/Recommendations
- Teacher Questions/Recommendations
- How does the policy increase student achievement?
- How could the policy detract from student achievement?
- Next steps
iii. Wellness Policy (2nd Reading)
- Prioritizing Policies and Action Planning (20 minutes)
- Review of Mandatory Policy Progress (2 min)
- Student Survey Data Review (5 min.)
- Parent Survey Data Review (5 min.)
- SBDM Annual Calendar Review and Update
- Review of Committee Charges
- Writing Committee Charge Form Review and Revise
- CSIP Committee
- Immediate Vacancy - Mathematics
- Potential Needs for Next Year
- Science, Reading Intervention/.5 Credit Recovery Teacher
- Section 6 Budget Review for 2013-2014
- Upcoming Items for Agenda
- FRYSC Goals
- Committees Policy (Review Feedback from Staff) - Push to PLC in January
- Scheduling Recommendations
- Writing Policy Updates