Tuesday, April 15, 2014

5.13.14 Agenda

Tuesday, May 13th , 2014
4:00 PM

  1. Opening Business (5 minutes)
a. Approval of Agenda
c. Recognition of Guests
d. Norm Setting - Mission and Core Values
e. Celebrating Generals  - G21 - Lift Off Week
  1. Policy and Bylaw Review (40 minutes)
a. Review Amendments of Drafted Policies and Determine Next Steps
  1. Prioritizing Policies and Action Planning (5 minutes)
a. Review Mandatory Policies
    1. a. Community Offerings 
    2. Section 6 Budget Review for 2013-2014 (Review as Needed)
    1. Upcoming Items for Agenda in June (5 min.)
      1. SBDM Annual Planning Calendar Review and Update

    Wednesday, April 2, 2014

    4.15.14 Agenda

    Tuesday, April 15th , 2014
    4:00 PM

    1. Opening Business (5 minutes)
    a. Approval of Agenda
    c. Recognition of Guests
    d. Norm Setting - Mission and Core Values
    1. Policy and Bylaw Review (40 minutes)
    a. Review Amendments of Drafted Policies and Determine Next Steps
    ii. Professional Development Plan (Icarus Learning Committee) (5 min.)
    iii. Section Six Budget for 2014-2015
    iv. Technology Use Policy
    1. Prioritizing Policies and Action Planning (5 minutes)
    a. Review Mandatory Policy
      1. Section 6 Budget Review for 2013-2014 (Review as Needed)
      1. Upcoming Items for Agenda in May (5 min.)
        1. SBDM Annual Planning Calendar Review and Update