Tuesday, March 8th, 2016
4:00 PM
- Opening Business (5 minutes)
- Monthly Review Items
A. Achievement Goals
B. Instructional Assignment Polic
C. Arts & Humanities Program Review - Glows and Grows
D. Practical Living Program Review
E. Scheduling and Resource Allocation Recommendation
F. SBDM 2016 Calendar
3. College, Career, Citizenship Policy
Recommendation: Add Grading Practices Policy for April.
4. Budget Review and Planning (Review as Needed)
a. Section Six Account Balances 2015-2016
b. Annual Budget Cycle
a. Section Six Account Balances 2015-2016
b. Annual Budget Cycle
5. Consultation and Hiring (No Items)
6. Upcoming Items for March 8th
6. Upcoming Items for March 8th