Wednesday, March 14, 2018

4.17.18 SBDM

Tuesday, April 17, 2018
4:00 PM
  1. Aligning & Celebrating (5 minutes)
C Celebrating Generals & Welcoming Guests
D. Guest Commentary
  1. Unicorn Time (10 min.)
    1. How are we preparing for school in 5,10, & 20 Years?
  2. SBDM Living Discussion
A. 2018-2019 Allocation Recommendation (5 min.)
1. Business Program Expansion
2. World Language Program Virtual Learning
B. 2018-2019 Working Budget for Approval (5 min.)
D. Professional Learning Plan

    Living Items for Reference
            Community CAREbook & Discipline Policy 
           Salutatorian/Valedictorian Committee (5 min.) 
3. Budget Review and Planning (Review as Needed)
Living Section 6 Budget
Enrollment Projections
4. Consultation and Hiring
Business Position Posting
5. Upcoming Items for December
    1. SBDM Annual Planning Calendar Review
6. Gratitude