Wednesday, December 10, 2014

1.13.14 SBDM Meeting

Tuesday, January 13th , 2014
4:00 PM

  1. Opening Business (5 minutes)
a. Approval of Agenda
c. Recognition of Guests
d. Norm Setting - Mission and Core Values
e. Celebrating Generals
f. Guest Comments
  1. Monthly Agenda Items
a. SBDM Election Process Updates for December- See Bylaws.
b. CSIP Draft & LIVING PLC Action Planning & Sun Tzu
c. Committees Policy Implementation Progress
           d. 2015 Meeting Times
            e. Parent Survey Data

3. Policy and Bylaw Review (40 minutes)
Review Amendments of Drafted Policies and Determine Next Steps 
A. College Aligned Policies
i. Assessment Policy 2nd Reading (Recommendations to Team)

B. Career Aligned Policies
i. Identification Process - Timeline and Implications (John)
C. Citizenship Aligned Policies
i. Athletic Eligibility Policy  (3rd Reading) - Committee Charge

4. Budget Review and Planning (Review as Needed)
b. Section Six Account Balances (2014-2015)
c. Annual Budget Cycle

5. Upcoming Items for Agenda in October (5 min.)
    1. SBDM Annual Planning Calendar Review and Update

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

12.9.14 SBDM Agenda

Tuesday, December 9th , 2014
4:00 PM

  1. Opening Business (5 minutes)
a. Approval of Agenda
c. Recognition of Guests
d. Norm Setting - Mission and Core Values
e. Celebrating Generals
f. Guest Comments
  1. Monthly Agenda Items
a. SBDM Election Process Updates for December- See Bylaws.
b. CSIP Draft & LIVING PLC Action Planning & Sun Tzu
c. Committees Policy Implementation Progress
3. Policy and Bylaw Review (40 minutes)
Review Amendments of Drafted Policies and Determine Next Steps 
A. College Aligned Policies
i. Assessment Policy 2nd Reading (Pending Assessment Team Review)

B. Career Aligned Policies
i. Identification Process - Timeline and Implications (John)
C. Citizenship Aligned Policies
i. Athletic Eligibility Policy  (2nd Reading) - Committee Charge
ii. Citizenship Readiness Indicators (2nd Reading)

4. Budget Review and Planning (Review as Needed)
b. Section Six Account Balances (2014-2015)
c. Annual Budget Cycle

5. Upcoming Items for Agenda in October (5 min.)
    1. SBDM Annual Planning Calendar Review and Update

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

11.11.14 SBDM Meeting

Tuesday, November 11th , 2014
4:00 PM

  1. Opening Business (5 minutes)
a. Approval of Agenda
c. Recognition of Guests
d. Norm Setting - Mission and Core Values
e. Celebrating Generals
f. Guest Comments
  1. Monthly Agenda Items
a. SBDM Election Process Updates in November - See Bylaws.
b. CSIP Working Draft
c. Committees Policy Implementation Progress
3. Policy and Bylaw Review (40 minutes)
Review Amendments of Drafted Policies and Determine Next Steps 
A. College Aligned Policies
i. Assessment Policy 2nd Reading (Pending Assessment Team Review)

B. Career Aligned Policies
i. Identification Process - Timeline and Implications (John)
C. Citizenship Aligned Policies
i. Athletic Eligibility Policy - Committee Charge
ii. Citizenship Readiness Indicators (1st Reading)

4. Budget Review and Planning (5 minutes)
b. Section Six Account Balances (2014-2015)
c. Annual Budget Cycle

5. Upcoming Items for Agenda in October (5 min.)
    1. SBDM Annual Planning Calendar Review and Update

Thursday, September 11, 2014

10.14.14 Meeting

Tuesday, October 14th , 2014
4:00 PM

  1. Opening Business (5 minutes)
a. Approval of Agenda
c. Recognition of Guests
d. Norm Setting - Mission and Core Values
e. Celebrating Generals
f. Guest Comments
  1. Monthly Agenda Items
a. Athletic Eligibility Policy
b. SBDM Election Process Begins in November - See Bylaws.
c. Section 6 Funding Budgetary Decisions
           d. Spanish Vacancy and Consultant
3. Policy and Bylaw Review (40 minutes)
a. Review Amendments of Drafted Policies and Determine Next Steps 
i. Reminder of Protocol for Policy Review
ii. Committees Policy Addition of Coordinated Health
iii. Instructional Practices Policy Postponed indefinitely. 
iv. Assessment Policy 2nd Reading (Pending Assessment Team Review)

v. Athletic Eligibility Policy - Committee Charge
4. Prioritizing Policies and Action Planning (5 minutes)
a Review Mandatory Policies
b. Section Six Account Balances (2014-2015)
c. Annual Budget Cycle

5. Upcoming Items for Agenda in October (5 min.)
    1. SBDM Annual Planning Calendar Review and Update

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

9.9.14 SBDM Meeting 5:00 PM

Tuesday, September 9th , 2014
5:00 PM

  1. Opening Business (5 minutes)
a. Approval of Agenda
c. Recognition of Guests
d. Norm Setting - Mission and Core Values
  1. Additional Agenda Items
a. AP and College Course Data Review
i. Teacher discussion of data, professional learning, and goal setting. 
b. Electing Co-Chair
c. Athletic Funding (October)  
3. Policy and Bylaw Review (40 minutes)
a. Review Amendments of Drafted Policies and Determine Next Steps 
i. Reminder of Protocol for Policy Review
ii. Committees Policy 2nd Reading
iii. Instructional Practices Policy Tabled for October 
iv. Assessment Policy 2nd Reading (Pending Assessment Team Review)

4. Prioritizing Policies and Action Planning (5 minutes)
a Review Mandatory Policies
b. Section Six Account Balances (2014-2015)
c. Annual Budget Cycle

5. Upcoming Items for Agenda in October (5 min.)
    1. SBDM Annual Planning Calendar Review and Update

Sunday, August 10, 2014

8.12.14 Meeting

Tuesday, August 12th , 2014
5:00 PM

  1. Opening Business (5 minutes)
a. Approval of Agenda
c. Recognition of Guests
d. Norm Setting - Mission and Core Values
  1. Policy and Bylaw Review (40 minutes)
a. Review Amendments of Drafted Policies and Determine Next Steps
ii. Committees Policy 1st Reading
iii. Instructional Practices Policy 3rd Reading
a. Sample Policy for reference
iv. Assessment Policy 1st Reading
  1. Additional Agenda Items
i. Athletic Funding Note
ii. 2013-2014 Funding
  1. Prioritizing Policies and Action Planning (5 minutes)
a. Review Mandatory Policies
  1. Upcoming Items for Agenda in July (5 min.)
    1. SBDM Annual Planning Calendar Review and Update

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

6.17.14 SBDM Meeting

Tuesday, June 17th , 2014
8:00 AM

  1. Opening Business (5 minutes)
a. Approval of Agenda
c. Recognition of Guests
d. Norm Setting - Mission and Core Values
  1. Policy and Bylaw Review (40 minutes)
a. Review Amendments of Drafted Policies and Determine Next Steps
ii. Committees Policy Revisit
iii. Instructional Practices Policy 2nd Reading
a. Sample Policy for reference
iv. Assessment Policy Recommendations
v. Bell Schedule
  1. Prioritizing Policies and Action Planning (5 minutes)
a. Review Mandatory Policies
    1. a. Community Offerings 
    2. Section 6 Budget Review for 2013-2014 (Review as Needed)
    1. Upcoming Items for Agenda in July (5 min.)
      1. SBDM Annual Planning Calendar Review and Update

    Tuesday, April 15, 2014

    5.13.14 Agenda

    Tuesday, May 13th , 2014
    4:00 PM

    1. Opening Business (5 minutes)
    a. Approval of Agenda
    c. Recognition of Guests
    d. Norm Setting - Mission and Core Values
    e. Celebrating Generals  - G21 - Lift Off Week
    1. Policy and Bylaw Review (40 minutes)
    a. Review Amendments of Drafted Policies and Determine Next Steps
    1. Prioritizing Policies and Action Planning (5 minutes)
    a. Review Mandatory Policies
      1. a. Community Offerings 
      2. Section 6 Budget Review for 2013-2014 (Review as Needed)
      1. Upcoming Items for Agenda in June (5 min.)
        1. SBDM Annual Planning Calendar Review and Update

      Wednesday, April 2, 2014

      4.15.14 Agenda

      Tuesday, April 15th , 2014
      4:00 PM

      1. Opening Business (5 minutes)
      a. Approval of Agenda
      c. Recognition of Guests
      d. Norm Setting - Mission and Core Values
      1. Policy and Bylaw Review (40 minutes)
      a. Review Amendments of Drafted Policies and Determine Next Steps
      ii. Professional Development Plan (Icarus Learning Committee) (5 min.)
      iii. Section Six Budget for 2014-2015
      iv. Technology Use Policy
      1. Prioritizing Policies and Action Planning (5 minutes)
      a. Review Mandatory Policy
        1. Section 6 Budget Review for 2013-2014 (Review as Needed)
        1. Upcoming Items for Agenda in May (5 min.)
          1. SBDM Annual Planning Calendar Review and Update