Tuesday, February 10, 2015

3.10.15 SBDM Meeting

Tuesday, March 10th , 2015
4:00 PM

  1. Opening Business (5 minutes)
a. Approval of Today's Agenda 
b. Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting
d. Norm Setting - Review Mission and Core Values
e. Celebrating Generals
f. Recognition of Guests and Guest Comments
  1. Monthly Review Items
a. LIVING PLC Action Planning & Sun Tzu
b. Committees Policy Implementation Progress - March 20th Start Date
c. Practical Living Program Review
i. Programmatic strengths
ii. Areas for development and action plan
d. Arts & Humanities Program Review
i. Programmatic strengths
ii. Areas for development and action plan
e. Staffing Allocation Update & Budget Scenarios
f. Your duty under the law & Managing Govt. Records

3. College, Career, Citizenship Policy Reviews
a. Anticipated Policies
4. Budget Review and Planning (Review as Needed)
a. Section Six Account Balances (2014-2015)
b. Annual Budget Cycle
5. Upcoming Items for Agenda for April 14th (3 min.)
    1. SBDM Annual Planning Calendar Review and Update

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